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The purpose of this program is to experience the direct cross-cultural by students to live in the same way as local students and to deepen international understanding. Through this experience, we hope that students enlarge one's field of vision and they notice the preciousness of the family and our country. We expect taht stundets play a peaceful international society by learning that they respect the different cultures.



The exchange students program with sister city Hawkesbury continues over 25 years after 1989 that was former Tanba town.


Student Exchange Program ; The Kyotamba International Exchange... Association runs an annual student exchange with Hawkesbury city, Australia.



We recruit exchange students from the middle of January to the end of February every year. We hold selection examination (a written examination, interview etc) in the end of March.






*Our Sister City*

The city of Hawkesbury is approximately 45km, or less than an hour's drive., north of Sydney. It is one of the most histrically rich cities in the state of New South Wales and is well known for its beauty.

The Hawkesbury river, which flows through the city, has been used from long ago as a means of transportation of goods and materials, and it has played an essential role in the developmentof the city as its lifeline.

The magnificentlands and extensive blue sikes of Australia calm the spirit, while the city of Hawkesbury offers much historical charm and elegance.






To Hawkesbury

【派遣期間】 毎年7月20日頃から8月20頃までの間の4週間

The stay is four weeks between the end of July to the end of August every year.


【募集人数】 6名以下

The offer numbers of students are less than six.


【応募資格】 ・京丹波町在住の中学2年生から高校3年生、






The qualifications are being Kyotmaba town people, being from 2nd grade of junior high schools to 3rd grade of high schools, being the person that the agreement of the protector and recommendation of the principal are provided on the occasion of application, being the person who can participate in the learning meeting held every week until going to Hawkesubry, beiing the person who become a member of our association, being the person who can contribute to international exchange activity for one year.


【留学費用】 160,000円(平成27年度現在)


The expense is approximately 160,000 yen (as of 2015)

(an amount of money may change it by an air fare, the change of the fuel price.)


【応募方法】 応募用紙に必要事項を記入し、協会事務局へ郵送



The person who wants to apply fills in a matter necessary for application paper, and mail it to the associationoffice.
(We perform the offer every year from the middle of January. We inform it by [News] page of this site as soon as an offer begins.).


【応募期限】 毎年2月末

The application time limit is the end of February every year.


【選考試験】 毎年3月20日前後(英語筆記試験、面接(日本語・英語)

The selection examination is held around March 20 every year. (English written examination, interview (Japanese, English))


【滞在内容】 現地の高校への通学、シドニー観光、キャンベラ1泊旅行、


Students' itinerary is living in a host family, going to high school, Sydney sightseeing, Canberra overnight trip, a local elementary school visit etc.


From Hawkesbury

【受入期間】 毎年9月中旬頃から10月中旬ころまでの間の4週間

An acceptance period is four weeks between the middle of September to the middle of October every year.


【受入人数】 6名以下

The acceptance numbers of stundents are less than six.


【受入家庭】 随時募集


       TEL: 0771-82-2778

                          email: ynjgh521[a][a]の部分を@に変えてください)

We raise host families at any time.
※The person with the interest, please contact us.
    TEL: 0771-82-2778
    email: ynjgh521[a] (please change a part of [a] into @)


【滞在内容】 京丹波町内の中学校及び須知高校への通学、日本文化体験、


Students' itinerary is Going to junior high schools and Shuchi Senior High School, Japanese culture experience, sightseeing in Kyoto city, Hiroshima  overnight trip etc

© 2015 by Kyotamba Internatonal Exchange Association

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